Setting it up
First we have to determine best position for loudspeakers and listening position.
-Determine your preferred loudspeaker positions. If your room is narrow, than it is best to orient loudspeakers in the way that woofer enclosure is closer to the wall and panels to the room. If a room is wide enough, panels are closer to the walls and woofer enclosure to the room. Put loudspeakes there.
-Determine your listening position, put your listening seat there and and position measurement microphone the way that it measures response aprox. 5cm behind your head Adjust microphone distance (your ears, when relaxed, listening ) to the floor. Keep this distance constant during this.
-attach mesurement microphone and turn on the spectrum analyzer.
-set up analyzer software
-set volume to zero.
-put all controls to neutral position
-aim woofers directly at microphone and then panels too.
-put the pink noise track on CD.
-see the spectrum.
Move listening position together with microphone slowly back and then forth, and look at spectrum. It's easy to find a suitable listening position this way. All the time be careful that microphone keeps constant distance to the floor. Its important for accuracy of measurement of bass response.
Try the same while moving both loudspeakers to the wall and back to the room. Try to find a spot that has good low bass response AND no big valleys in the spectrum.
If not satisfied yet, goto the begining and repeat until you are.
Ok, So we found the position for loudspeakers and a listener.
Next we will adjust notch eq:
-play the track that covers, corresponds to frequency range of the filter you are about to tune. Play sine wave slowly gaining frequency and observe the loudness while sitting in your listening position. Write down the loudest frequencies that you encounter. Repeat few times to gain accuracy.
-find same frequency on frequencies table, and play that track. Use back and forth controls to precisely find peak loudness of yours room resonance. Write down this frequency and spl.
you should have a little table like this by now:
Frequency SPL
34Hz +8dB
52Hz +12dB
68Hz +22dB
105Hz +18dB
Determine which filter you'll use for each freqency
Tuning individual filter:
-play the frequency
-set notch to maximum cut (CW)
-set frequency to minimum (CCW)
-slowly rise the frequency until we find a spot where sound is weakest. We just tuned notch filter to offending frequency!
repeat this for every frequency
We determine how much to cut. Play again slow sweep like at the beginning and observe what happens at offending frequencies. If it is still too loud, cut a little more, if its too weak, cut a little less. We repeat until we are satisfied with results.
Change cuts accordingly to reach as linear response as possible. Use this, and your personal taste for judgement.
If you have slow boost or rolloff at high or low frequencies, you can use hi or/and shelf filters which are also onboard.
How? Spectrum analyzer.
Personal taste.
And than, most importantly, ENJOY! ; )
and move loudspeakers and measurement microphone to find a position, that most linear